Final Fantasy XV Wiki

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Final Fantasy XV Wiki
Taelpar Rest Area

The Taelpar Rest Area is an outpost in the southwest of Duscae, just west of the Daurell Caverns and north of Cape Caem.

There is a Rent-a-Bird, caravan, radio, fuel station, general store, restaurant, and arms vendor at this location.

Crow's Nest Diner[]


The following dishes are available to eat:

Dish Cost Boosts
Jetty's 50 gil Poisonproof, Toadproof
Kenny's Fries 150 gil HP (6)
Kenny's Salmon 1,480 gil Attack (15), Defense (20)


The tipster offers the following hunts:

Hunts Target Habitat Active Stars Bounty Reward Level
Horned Hunting Hazards Dualhorn (3) Secullam Pass All Times 2 3,480 gil Megalixir x1 23
Hunters of Secullam Pass Coeurl (5) Secullam Pass Daytime 3 5,600 gil Earth Pendant x1 34
Reclaiming Schier Heights Redlegs (3), Hundlegs (4) Schier Heights All Times 3 6,220 gil Mega Phoenix x1 37
A Roaring in the Night Iron Giant (2) Schier Heights Nighttime 3 6,310 gil Mega Phoenix x1 37
Old Denizens of the Woods Elder Coeurl (3) Thommels Glade Daytime 4 22,540 gil Fire Crest x1 63


Lodging is available in Taelpar at a Three Z's Motel. It costs 300 gil. Players receive EXP x 1.5.


Arms vendor[]

Item Type Cost
Angel Earring Accessory 1000 gil
Bulletproof Vest Accessory 2000 gil
Carbon Bangle Accessory 2000 gil
Claymore Greatsword 600 gil
Fencer's Bracelet Accessory 2000 gil
Flame Tongue Sword 800 gil
Garnet Bracelet Accessory 800 gil
Ice Shield Shield 600 gil
Mythril Knives Dagger 600 gil
Mythril Pistol Firearm 600 gil
Power Shield Shield 800 gil
Power Stone Accessory 2000 gil
Rapier Lance Polearm 600 gil
Rune Saber Sword 600 gil
Storm Lance Polearm 800 gil


Item Type Cost
Antidote Consumable 10 gil
Elixir Consumable 400 gil
Hi-Elixir Consumable 800 gil
Hi-Potion Consumable 100 gil
Memories of FFVI Auto Part 100 gil
Phoenix Down Consumable 1,000 gil
Potion Consumable 50 gil

