Steyliff Grove is one of the dungeons in the game Final Fantasy XV.
A Menace Sleeps In Steyliff[]

The broken wall that leads to the sealed door.
Starting in Chapter 15, the player has the opportunity to delve deeper into the main-game dungeons. To complete the A Menace Sleeps In Steyliff quest (as a part of the larger Menace Beneath Lucis quest line), the player must journey to Steyliff Grove. The Menace Dungeon entrance lies beyond the great hall at the bottom of Steyliff where the Quetzalcoatl spawns during the regular dungeon. There is a hole broken into the left side of the back wall that leads to the sealed door. There are 100 floors overall.
A word of caution to the dungeon delver that bears repeating - there is no ability to save while occupying any area of the game considered a dungeon, outside of Auto-Saves (which will activate at certain checkpoints, such as camping). Completing Menace Dungeons can take a considerably longer amount of time than is demanded of their normal dungeon counterparts, and Steyliff's is the deepest of the Menace Dungeons. It is advised to plan accordingly before beginning the journey.
Upon approaching the sealed door, one of two dialogues will play. If this is the player's first Menace Dungeon:
Prompto - This door here. Is it one of the seals?
Ignis - It seems highly likely.
Gladiolus - Well, we got the key. Do we use it?
Noctis can then use the Sealbreaker's Key on the lock. The large seal has a series of spinning parts that light up red Solheim-esque symbols before swinging inward.
Gladiolus - Hey, now! Finally making some headway.
Ignis - At last, we have broken the seal.
Prompto - Yeah, I don't think that means what you think it means.
Noctis - Means we have to go.
Prompto - I know that. Oh, in there?
If this is not the player's first Menace Dungeon, upon approaching the door:
Gladiolus - Another door. Who wants to see what's behind? I'm game if you are.
And after opening the door:
Prompto - Hey, it's open!
Noctis - Let's hit it!
The first of many sets of stairs awaits.
Floors 1-10[]
Floor | Occupant | Treasure |
1 | Havokfang (x4) lvl. 79 | Rusted Bit |
2 | Imps (x6) lvl. 78 | Iron Shavings |
3 | Havokfang (x4) lvl. 79 | Chrome Bit |
4 | Havokfang (x2) lvl. 79 | Oracle Ascension Coin |
5 | Psychomancer (x1) lvl. 82
May summon Skeletons (lvl. 62) |
Mythril Shaft |
6 | Imps (x6) lvl. 78 | Hi-Elixir |
7 | Imps (x6) lvl. 78 | Rare Coin |
8 | Psychomancer (x1) lvl. 82 | Megalixir |
9 | Psychomancer (x1) lvl. 82 | Potion |
On Floor 10, there is the opportunity to camp at Intellune Haven and collect a Hi-Elixir. The Royal Edition DLC adds the monoliths feature to the Menace Dungeons. Monoliths are small stone monuments upon which are carved the various stories behind the sealing of the dungeons. They are written in the form of poems, carved in white on a black stone slab, and are likely written by several authors (though the monoliths in Steyliff are undoubtedly written by the Oracle King). Each monolith is headed by the phrase "Whence comes the Night, let shine the Light." In this room waits the first of the nine Steyliff monoliths, and it reads:
O she so wise will take her shining trident in her hand
Then she shall rise to spread the word of peace across the land
And lest the world forget her efforts or the life she gave
Upon these monoliths her noble deeds I shall engrave
Incidental dialogue will activate after reading the poem for the first time:
Noctis - "Whence comes the Night, let shine the Light"...
Prompto - Translation?
Gladiolus - Pretty sure it's saying, "find the big, bad monster and take it down."
Ignis - I don't wholly disagree with your interpretation, but it lacks nuance. Perhaps seeking more inscriptions will help elucidate their meaning.
Floors 11-20[]
Floor | Occupant | Treasure |
11 | Ronin (x2) lvl. 80 | Rusted Bit |
12 | Havokfang (x4) lvl. 79 | Purified Salt |
This floor has two optional rooms | Western door: Potion
Eastern door: Celestriad | |
13 | Psychomancer (x1) lvl. 82 | Chrome Bit |
14 | Psychomancer (x1) lvl. 82 | Legatus Bangle |
15 | Havokfang (x2) lvl. 79 | Debased Coin |
16 | Ronin (x2) lvl. 80 | Rare Coin |
17 | Havokfang (x3) lvl. 79 | Hi-Potion |
18 | Psychomancer (x1) lvl. 82 | Megalixir |
19 | Ronin (x4) lvl. 80 | Mega-Potion |
On Floor 20, there is the opportunity to camp at Tunlough Haven. This room has the second monolith and a Megalixir. The monolith reads:
The gods are fickle entities, capricious through and through
Those among us who receive their grace are numbered few
And while I was not blest with acumen or power divine
The gods bequeathed to me a greater gift: her hand in mine
Floors 21-30[]
Floor | Occupant | Treasure |
21 | Matcha Mousse (x4) lvl. 83 | Iron Shavings |
22 | Ronin (x2) lvl. 80 | Mythril Shaft |
23 | Matcha Mousse (x2) lvl. 83 | Debased Silverpiece |
24 | Matcha Mousse (x4) lvl. 83 | Oracle Ascension Coin |
25 | Psychomancer (x1) lvl. 82 | Elixir |
26 | Ronin (x2) lvl. 80 | Hi-Potion |
This floor has two optional rooms | Western door: Debased Coin
Eastern door: Emperor's Anklet | |
27 | Psychomancer (x1) lvl. 82 | Rare Coin |
28 | Matcha Mousse (x4) lvl. 83 | Rare Coin |
29 | Tonberry (x4) lvl. 84 | Balmung |
On Floor 30, there is the opportunity to camp at Scorpure Haven. This room has the third monolith and a Hi-Elixir. The monolith reads:
The harbingers of darkness have descended 'pon our realm
Yet much unlike the former king who the vanguard did helm
I issue orders from the rear, a veritable "coward king"
'Tis the Messengers who fight—their praises we ought sing
Floors 31-40[]
Floor | Occupant | Treasure |
31 | Regaltrice (x4) lvl. 81 | Rusted Bit |
32 | Killerwasp (x2) lvl. 76 | Oracle Ascension Coin |
33 | Regaltrice (x4) lvl. 81 | Iron Shavings |
34 | Killerwasp (x2) lvl. 76 | Megalixir |
35 | Killerwasp (x3) lvl. 76 | Chrome Bit |
36 | Ronin (x2) lvl. 80 | Oracle Ascension Coin |
37 | Ronin (x4) lvl. 80 | Debased Coin |
38 | Killerwasp (x2) lvl. 76 | Potion |
39 | Regaltrice (x8) lvl. 81 | Elixir |
On Floor 40, there is the opportunity to camp at Courcaive Haven. This room has the fourth monolith and a Megalixir. The monolith reads:
The greatness of the Oracle was heretofore untold
Her power was unparalleled, her heart was made of gold
She healed the masses, sending words of kindness from her lips
The brilliant light with which she shone ne'er could be eclipsed
Floors 41-50[]
Floor | Occupant | Treasure |
41 | Royalisk (x1) lvl. 82 | Rusted Bit |
42 | Matcha Mousse (x4) lvl. 83 | Megalixir |
43 | Matcha Mousse (x2) lvl. 83 | Chrome Bit |
44 | Tonberry (x2) lvl. 84 | Debased Silverpiece |
45 | Royalisk (x1) lvl. 82 | Mythril Shaft |
46 | Royalisk (x1) lvl. 82 | Oracle Ascension Coin |
47 | Tonberry (x2) lvl. 84 | Hi-Potion |
48 | Matcha Mousse (x4) lvl. 83 | Anklet of the Gods |
49 | Tonberry (x2) lvl. 84 | Iron Shavings |
On Floor 50, there is the opportunity to camp at Terrecephe Haven. This room has the fifth monolith and a Megalixir. The monolith reads:
Upon receiving tidings of the expedition's fall
I realized our sole surviving bastion was the Wall
To suppress the menace and dispel the disarray
We set out for the shaded groves of Cleigne without delay
Floors 51-60[]
Floor | Occupant | Treasure |
51 | Kingatrice (x1) lvl. 83 | Mythril Shaft |
52 | Killer Wasp (x2) lvl. 76 | Elixir |
53 | Killer Wasp (x2) lvl. 76 | Debased Banknote |
54 | Kingatrice (x1) lvl. 83 | Oracle Ascension Coin |
55 | Tonberry (x2) lvl. 84 | Mega-Potion |
56 | Tonberry (x4) lvl. 84 | Platinum Ingot |
57 | Killer Wasp (x4) lvl. 76 | Ether |
58 | Kingatrice (x1) lvl. 83 | Hi-Potion |
59 | Wyvern (x4) lvl. 86 | Aegis Shield |
On Floor 60, there is the opportunity to camp at Essofax Haven. This room has the sixth monolith and a Megalixir. The monolith reads:
Our path to Risorath was paved with troubles all the way
The treacherous terrain beset the two of us by day
Upon the fall of night the lurking darkness showed its claws
Yet staff in hand she saved us both from death's e'er-looming jaws
Floors 61-70[]
Floor | Occupant | Treasure |
61 | Matcha Mousse (x4) lvl. 83 | Chrome Bit |
62 | Psychomancer (x1) lvl. 82 | Megalixir |
This floor has two optional rooms | Northern door: Potion
Eastern door: Robe of the Lord | |
63 | Psychomancer (x1) lvl. 82 | Mythril Shaft |
64 | Matcha Mousse (x4) lvl. 83 | Oracle Ascension Coin |
65 | Matcha Mousse (x4) lvl. 83 | Debased Silverpiece |
66 | Psychomancer (x1) lvl. 82 | Hi-Elixir |
67 | Psychomancer (x1) lvl. 82 | Debased Silverpiece |
68 | Matcha Mousse (x4) lvl. 83 | Hi-Potion |
69 | Matcha Mousse (x4) lvl. 83 | Elixir |
On Floor 70, there is the opportunity to camp at Vanderport Haven. This room has the seventh monolith and a Megalixir. The monolith reads:
Like a ray of light piercing straight through darkness' heart
The trident that she wielded cut the daemon hordes apart
No matter what ferocious foe may wait within the glades
It shall be rent asunder, powerless before her blades
Floors 71-80[]
Floor | Occupant | Treasure |
71 | Dolce (x4) lvl. 72 | Rare Coin |
72 | Mindflayer (x2) lvl. 75 | Sky Gemstone |
73 | Custard (x2) lvl. 72 | Debased Banknote |
74 | Custard (x4) lvl. 72 | Megalixir |
75 | Mindflayer (x2) lvl. 75 | Potion |
76 | Mindflayer (x2) lvl. 75 | Oracle Ascension Coin |
77 | Dolce (x4) lvl. 72 | Mega-Potion |
78 | Dolce (x4) lvl. 72 | Hi-Potion |
79 | Custard (x4) lvl. 72 | Elixir |
On Floor 80, there is the opportunity to camp at Sprannagh Haven. This room has the eighth monolith and a Megalixir. The monolith reads:
The waters of the Vesperpool had turned a sea of fire
Smoky, swirling billows had enshrouded the mire
Searing bolts of lightning cracked downward from the skies
Yet 'twere not clouds but wings that soared before my very eyes.
Were our foe the Scourge of Stars, it could have been purified
Yet this menace was no daemon—that, we soon descried
The Oracle I loved was slain and with our flags she burned
Beleaguered and bereft, to the forest I returned.
Floors 81-90[]
Floor | Occupant | Treasure |
81 | Tonberry (x1) lvl. 84 | Mega-Potion |
82 | Psychomancer (x1) lvl. 82 | Oracle Ascension Coin |
83 | Psychomancer (x1) lvl. 82 | Mega Phoenix |
84 | Tonberry (x2) lvl. 84 | Hi-Elixir |
85 | Psychomancer (x1) lvl. 82 | Ether |
86 | Tonberry (x2) lvl. 84 | Sky Gemstone |
87 | Psychomancer (x1) lvl. 82 | Mega Phoenix |
88 | Tonberry (x2) lvl. 84 | Elixir |
89 | Master Tonberry (x1) lvl. 88 | Mythril Ingot |
On Floor 90, there is the opportunity to camp one last time at Hepplecamp Haven. This room has the ninth and final monolith and a Megalixir. The monolith reads:
With the rains that fall upon the earth and nurture life
Also come the bolts of lightning, couriers of strife
Though man can't curb the fearsome whims that rule the natural world
Against a beast, the white flag of defeat needn't be unfurled.
Looking to the Oracle for guidance in these trials
I realized we might defeat the menace with our wiles
First we draw the devil down and seal it in a cage
Then entrust its exorcism to the coming age
And 'til an heir arises to succeed the life she led
Her staff in hand, I shall become the Oracle in her stead.
Floors 91-100[]
Floor | Occupant | Treasure |
91 | Master Tonberry (x1) lvl. 88 | Chrome Bit |
92 | Master Tonberry (x1) lvl. 88 | Hi-Potion |
93 | Kingatrice (x1) lvl. 83 | Mythril Shaft |
94 | Master Tonberry (x1) lvl. 88 | Ether |
95 | Kingatrice (x1) lvl. 83 | Rare Coin |
96 | Griffon (x1) lvl. 84 | Oracle Ascension Coin |
97 | Kingatrice (x1) lvl. 83 | Debased Banknote |
98 | Griffon (x1) lvl. 84 | Ether |
99 | Kingatrice (x1) lvl. 83 | Mega Phoenix |
100 | Mictlantecihuatl (x1) lvl. 90 | Flayer |
After defeating the boss on Floor 100, the player must open up the map and select "Return to Entrance" to exit the dungeon.