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“ | Elemancy is a special power linked to Lucian royalty. Noctis can extract elemental energy from deposits around the contitent, collect it in magic flasks, and craft spells his allies can also use in combat. | „ |
Spells are magical items that can be equipped in a weapon slot in the Gear menu and all party members can use them. They are depleted with each use. When fully depleted, the equipped spell is removed. Spells are indiscriminate in their use and can damage party members.
Elemental energy, fire, ice, and lightning, is needed in order to craft spells. This energy can be collected from deposits found around havens or by certain weapons that absorb elemental energy.. Spells can then be crafted in the Main Menu under Elemancy. Select the desired energy and amounts to use. The more of an energy used, the more powerful the spell will be. The crafted spell is stored in a Magic Flask. The number of spells crafted is limited by the number of Magic Flasks available. The spell history can be used to craft more of the same spells.
When crafting, the proportions of the elements used affect the outcome of the spell. Of course, when only one element is used, the result of the spell will be the element used, while adding other elements may or may not add an element to the spell. In any particular spell, let the element that is used the most be called the "Primary Element", and the second-most used element be called the Secondary Element.
- If the Primary Element amounts to 75% of the total elements used (or more), the spell will result in wholly the Primary Element, even in multicast spells.
- If the Primary Element amounts to 50% of the total elements used (or more), the spell will result in the Primary Element. In multicast spells, it will be the Primary Element first, and then either the Primary or Secondary elements at random.
- If the Primary Element amounts to less than 50% of the total elements used, the resulting spell will be an Unicast spell, in which case an element will be picked at random for the spell.
Adjust the amount of energy or add a catalyst when crafting to imbue the spell with increased potency or an effect, such as poison and multicast. Review your history to quickly craft more of the same spells.
Effects of Catalysts[]
Name | Description |
Unicast (I, II, III) | Casts an element at random. |
Dualcast | Casts the Primary Element, then the Primary or Secondary Element at random. |
Tricast | Casts the Primary Element, then the Primary or Secondary Element at random, up to two times. |
Quadcast | Casts the Primary Element, then the Primary or Secondary Element at random, up to three times. |
Quintcast | Casts the Primary Element, then the Primary or Secondary Element at random, up to four times. |
Blastcast | Casts the Primary Element, damaging the caster as well. |
Cursecast | Casts the Primary Element imbued with the power of enervation. |
Expericast | Smites with the Primary Element while conferring experience on the caster. |
Failcast | Casts the Primary Element except for when it doesn't. |
Freecast | Casts the Primary Element, occasionally without expending a spell. |
Healcast | Smites with the Primary Element while healing the caster. |
Killcast | Casts the Primary Element imbued with the power to cause sudden death. |
Stopcast | Casts the Primary Element imbued with the power to stop enemies in their tracks. |
Venomcast | Casts the Primary Element imbued with the power to poison. |
Achievements and trophies[]
The following achievements and trophies are related to spells: