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Bounty hunts can be undertaken at restaurants. More often than not, the bounty in question is far more dangerous than the local beasts. However, succesful hunts provide extra EXP and gil, so they are worth the added challenge.

Tipsters offer hunts in exchange for gil and other rewards. Slay the targets, then report back to claim the bounty. Complete hunts to earn stars and increase in hunter rank. Increasing the rank will allow players to undertake more challenging hunts.

List of hunts[]

Hunts Rec. Level Tipster Stars Bounty Reward Habitat Target Active
Howling Wind of Hunger 2 Takka's Pit Stop 1 740 Hi-Elixir The Weaverwilds Sabertusk (7) All
Varmints of the Wastelands 5 Takka's Pit Stop 1 980 Hi-Elixir The Weaverwilds Mesmenir (5) Day
Gorgers in the Dust 7 Takka's Pit Stop 1 1,570 Iron Bangle Ostium Gorge Flexitusk (3) All
Raindrops in the Night 15 Takka's Pit Stop 2 2,390 Megalixir The Weaverwilds Jumbo Flan (1) Night
Wild Beauties 22 Takka's Pit Stop The Weaverwilds Anaklaban (3) Day
Bounty Hunted Beauties 28 Takka's Pit Stop 2 4,220 Megalixir Weaverwilds Anakadom (3), Anak (3) Day
Rookie Hunter Tragedy 39 Takka's Pit Stop 3 7,330 Mega Phoenix Weaverwilds Ashenhorn (3) All
Mineside Mischief Makers 7 Crow's Nest Diner - Longwythe 1 1,740 Hi-Elixir Callaegh Steps Goblin (7) Night
The Hunter-Slaying Herd 8 Crow's Nest Diner - Longwythe 1 1,830 Hi-Elixir Longwythe Peak Magnanir (2), Mesmenir (4) Day
Squash the Squirmers 14 Crow's Nest Diner - Longwythe 2 2,280 Hi-Elixir Longwythe Peak Flan (5) Night
Cranky Crustaceans 18 (Hard) Crow's Nest Diner - Longwythe 2 3,160 Megalixir Longwythe Peak Shieldshears (3) All
Sting in the Tail 25 Crow's Nest Diner - Longwythe 2 3,720 Megalixir Longwythe Peak Saphyrtail (5) All
Beast over Brawn 27 Crow's Nest Diner - Longwythe 2 4,010 Megalixir Weaverwilds Grandhorn (2), Dualhorn (3) All
In the Drylands, It Rains Spines 40 Crow's Nest Diner - Longwythe 3 7,550 Rainbow Pendant Longwythe Peak Gigantuar (3) Day
Peace to the Beach 11 Galdin Quay 2 1,950 Hi-Elixir Vannath Coast Rubyshears (3) All
The Gouramands of Vannath 17 (Hard) Galdin Quay 2 3,040 Megalixir Vannath Coast Sparkshears (3) All
Stealers of Lives 17 (Hard) Galdin Quay 2 3,070 Fencer's Anklet Vannath Coast Glamhoth (7) Night
Footfalls in the Dark 20 (Hard) Galdin Quay 2 3,250 Megalixir Vannath Coast Hobgoblin (5) Night
A Nightmare Came by Ferry 28 (Hard) Galdin Quay 2 4,250 Carbon Bangle Vannath Coast Seadevil (5) All
Galloping Garulas 12 Crow's Nest Diner - Alstor Alstor Slough Green Garula (3), Garula (3) Day
Beasts Wallow in the Wetlands 14 Crow's Nest Diner - Alstor Alstor Slough Yellowtooth (5) All
Untamed Wild Horses 25 Crow's Nest Diner - Alstor 2 3,870 Megalixir Alstor Slough Spiracorn (7) Day
Reign Triumphant 32 Crow's Nest Diner - Alstor 3 5,280 Mega Phoenix Alstor Slough Garulessa, Garula (5) Day
The Rogues of Rydelle Ley 35 Crow's Nest Diner - Alstor 3 5,880 Mega Phoenix Rydelle Ley Cockatrice (3) Day
Marsh Madness! The Giant Awakens 38 (Hard) Crow's Nest Diner - Alstor 3 6,550 Blue Choker Alstor Slough Catoblepas All
Red in Tooth and Claw 12 Post Kiosk Malacchi Hills Voretooth (9) All
A Behemoth Undertaking 15 (Hard) Post Kiosk Nebulawood Deadeye All
Exorcism of the Nebulawood 19 Post Kiosk 2 3,190 Moon Pendant Nebulawood Mindflayer (3) Night
Thunder in Them Thar HIlls 21 Post Kiosk 2 3,330 Megalixir Malacchi Hills Thunder Bomb (5) Night
A Most Behemoth Undertaking 62 Post Kiosk 4 19,540 Gold Bangle Nebulawood Behemoth Tyrant All
Hammer the Cannibals 38 Crow's Nest Diner - Cauthess 3 6,910 Mega Phoenix Kettier Highland Skarnbulette (3), Bulette (3) All
Things from the Past 41 Crow's Nest Diner - Cauthess 3 8,080 Rune Earring Fallgrove Necromancer (3) Night
Baby Snatchers 44 Crow's Nest Diner - Cauthess 3 890 Mega Phoenix Saxham Outpost Bussemand (3), Hobgoblin (5) Night
Horned Hunting Hazards 23 Crow's Nest Diner - Taelpar 2 3,480 Megalixir Secullam Pass Dualhorn (3) All
Hunters of Secullam Pass 34 Crow's Nest Diner - Taelpar 3 5,600 Earth Pendant Secullam Pass Coeurl (5) Day
Reclaiming Schier Heights 37 Crow's Nest Diner - Taelpar 3 6,220 Mega Phoenix Schier Heights Redlegs (3), Hundlegs (4) All
A Roaring in the Night 37 Crow's Nest Diner - Taelpar 3 6,310 Mega Phoenix Schier Heights Iron Giant (2) Night
Secure the Mountain Pass 12 Surgate's Beanmine 2 2,270 Hi-Elixir Pallareth Pass Saberclaw (9) All
Cool Callatein Mist 22 Surgate's Beanmine 2 3,380 Megalixir Callatein's Plunge Ice Bomb (5) Night
To Sting in Anger 22 Surgate's Beanmine 2 3,390 Green Choker Coernix Bypass Brutal Bee (3), Killer Bee (5) All
To Catch a Frog 27 Surgate's Beanmine 2 4,070 Megalixir Pallareth Pass Hekatontoad (2) Day/Rain
Long Necks on the Plains 28 Surgate's Beanmine 2 4,480 Megalixir Kelbass Grasslands Arba (5) Day
They Came Back from the Mountain 30 Surgate's Beanmine 3 4,490 Mega Phoenix Coernix Bypass Megaloclaw (5) All
Rainstorm Duell Poison Frog of Wennath 32 Surgate's Beanmine 3 5,350 Mega Phoenix Upper Wennath Gaiatoad Day/Rain
Acquit Not Evil 38 Surgate's Beanmine 3 6,650 Knight's Anklet Upper Wennath Alphagin (3), Sahagin (2) All
Avenge the Anglers 24 Tostwell Grill 2 3,660 Megalixir Callatein's Plunge Albinogin (3) All
Ruler of the Brave Skies 30 Tostwell Grill 3 4,935 Mega Phoenix Kelbass Grasslands Griffon (1) All
Off with Their Heads! 31 Tostwell Grill 3 5,070 Lightning Crest Kelbass Grasslands Arbagadol (2), Arba (3) Day
Disquieted Queens 38 Tostwell Grill 3 6,850 Mega Phoenix Coernix Bypass Killer Queen (3) All
The Last Spiracorns 29 Crow's Nest Diner - Old Lestallum 2 4,610 Megalixir Lower Wennath Duplicorn (2), Spiracorn (3) Day
Shear Force 34 Crow's Nest Diner - Old Lestallum 3 5,730 Mega Phoenix Lower Wennath Mightyshears (3) All
Blobs Ashore 35 Crow's Nest Diner - Old Lestallum 3 5,920 Titanium Bangle Malmalam Thicket Gelatin (3) Night
Herald from the Depths 40 Crow's Nest Diner - Old Lestallum 3 7,730 Mega Phoenix Leirity Seaside Karlabos All
Deadly Extermination 37 Erupto Eats in Ravatogh 3 6,440 Mega Phoenix Ravatoghan Trail Soldier Wasp (3), Killer Wasp (3) All
Verinas Mart Under Threat 38 Erupto Eats in Ravatogh 3 7,290 Sapphire Bracelet Ravatoghan Trail Wyvern (7) All
Red Lightning of Ravatogh 44 Erupto Eats in Ravatogh 3 9,140 Mega Phoenix Ravatoghan Trail Copperoc (3), Thunderoc (3) Day
Voltage Fluctuation 29 Portuttle Hut in Meldacio Hunters HQ 2 4,650 Megalixir Pallareth Pass Thunderoc (3) Day
Threat from the Thicket 33 Portuttle Hut in Meldacio Hunters HQ 3 5,550 Mega Phoenix The Vesperpool Killer Wasp (7) Day
Softly Now, Mighty Foes 35 Portuttle Hut in Meldacio Hunters HQ 3 6,060 Mega Phoenix Steyliff Grove Lich (3) All
Mission: Invincible 38 Portuttle Hut in Meldacio Hunters HQ 3 7,020 Mega Phoenix The Vesperpool Black Flan (3) Night
Divine Beast of the Underworld 38 Portuttle Hut in Meldacio Hunters HQ 3 7,110 Mega Phoenix Steyliff Grove Quetalcoatl All
Hunter HQ Line of Defense 42 Portuttle Hut in Meldacio Hunters HQ 3 8,660 Ice Crest Risorath Basin Mushmahhu (3), Mushussu (3) All
Lovable Little Gluttons 44 Portuttle Hut in Meldacio Hunters HQ 3 8,980 Mega Phoenix The Vesperpool Regaltrice (5) Day


Rank Title Stars Needed Reward
1 Apprentice 0
2 Trapper 5 Silver Bangle
3 Chaser 15 Sapphire Bracelet
4 Ranger 30 Gold Bangle
5 Slayer 50 Champion's Anklet
6 Officer 40 Black Choker
7 Guardian 40 Blue Diamond Bracelet
8 Grandmaster 40 Centurion Bangle
9 Hand of Mercy 30 Legatus Bangle
10 Alleyway Jack 43 Dark Matter Bracelet

Achievements and trophies[]

The following achievements and trophies are related to hunts:

See also[]
