When you make camp at a haven, your EXP is tallied, and the four friends enjoy a meal. Tallying EXP is required in order to increase characters' levels. Status boosts earned from meals take effect the next morning. Both aspects are vital for surviving the adventure.
Havens are camps that allow characters to rest up and get meal buffs. There are also element deposits around havens that are used in crafting spells . Experience gained while in the world isn't applied to the characters until they rest at a haven or other lodging .
Some havens trigger Tour sidequests .
List of havens [ ]
Brackham Haven
Leide , east of Hammerhead
Palmaugh Haven
Leide , east of Hammerhead
Fayemoor Haven
Leide , northwest of Hammerhead
Cortisse Haven
Leide , north of Hammerhead
Circlawe Haven
Leide , southwest of Hammerhead
Lepellieth Haven
Leide , south of Prarie Outpost
Entethina Haven
Leide , south of Prarie Outpost next to parking
Pallebram Haven
Leide , west of Hammerhead
Merrioth Haven
Leide , west of Hammerhead
Emmelle Haven
Leide , north of Ballove Mines parking
Vennaugh Haven
Leide , north of Galdin Quay
Lachyrte Haven
Leide , west of Galdin Quay
Digythe Haven
Duscae , southeast of Coernix Station - Alstor
Ausace Haven
Duscae , north of Wiz Chocobo Post
Killiam Haven
Duscae , east of Wiz Chocobo Post
Pullmoor Haven
Duscae , southwest of Coernix Station - Alstor
Lingagh Haven
Duscae , east of Aracheole Stronghold
Sothmocke Haven
Duscae , east of Aracheole Stronghold
Turncouth Haven
Duscae , northeast of Cauthess Rest Area
Oathe Haven
Duscae , west of Costlemark Tower
Fallaughns Haven
Duscae , west of Cauthess Rest Area
Narcie Haven
Duscae , southeast of Lestallum
Wainterre Haven
Cleigne , south of Lestallum
Spelcray Haven
Cleigne , west of Cape Caem on the coast
Telghey Haven
Cleigne , east of Malmalam Thicket by the parking
Dainse Haven
Cleigne , north of Fort Vaullerey
Lambath Haven
Cleigne , southwest of Burbost Souvenir Emporium
Mynbrum Haven
Cleigne , northeast of Burbost Souvenir Emporium
Alkyrie Haven
Cleigne , east of Burbost Souvenir Emporium
Capitis Haven
Cleigne , south of the Vesperpool parking
Pectriche Haven
Cleigne , inside The Myrlwood
Kellebram Haven
Cleigne , inside Malmalam Thicket
Monoth Haven
Cleigne , south of Pitioss Ruins (inside?)
Owlyss Haven
Cleigne , inside The Rock of Ravatogh