Final Fantasy XV Wiki

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Final Fantasy XV Wiki

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Photo Op Disc 1

Duscae is a region in the Kingdom of Lucis. It is the area between Lucis' easternmost region, Leide, and its westernmost region, Cleigne. It is accessible to the player after Chapter 3. Unlike the desert-like climate of Leide, which lies in the rain shadow of the mountains that divide the two regions, Duscae is richly forested and prone to regular rainfall. The geography is hilly and pockmarked by craters from the meteorite that fell two millennia ago. According to legend, the Meteor of the Six was caught by Titan as it fell on Duscae; it is said that he holds the meteorite on his back to this day. Other remnants of its fall are the peculiar arches scattered around Duscae and the Disc of Cauthess, the primary crash site. All areas that are traversable by the player in Duscae are effectively land-locked, with no access to the Lucinia Sound in the north or the Cygillan Sea to the south.



Places of Interest[]

Areas of Duscae where notable hunts, quests, or other landmarks can be found.


Fishing Spots[]




See also[]
