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Final Fantasy XV Wiki

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Dungeons are locations around Eos that are darker and more dangerous than the rest of the outside world.

List of dungeons[]

Name Rec. Level Location Inhabitants
Balouve Mines 50 Leide Goblins, Aramusha
Costlemark Tower 55 Duscae Bussemand, Ereshkigal, Flan, Galvanade, Garchimacera, Gelatin, Jabberwock, Nagarani, Red Giant, Thunder Bomb, Yojimbo
Crestholm Channels 50 Leide Black Flan, Bussemand, Ereshkigal, Gelatin, Jormungand, Nagrani, Yojimbo
Daurell Caverns 41 Duscae Hecteyes, Iron Giant, Necromancer, Ronin
Fociaugh Hollow 30 Duscae Hobgoblin, Imp, Naga, Thunder Bomb
Fodina Caestino - Niflheim Falxfang, Gigantoad, Gurangatch*, Karlabos, Malboro, Malboro Sprout, Snaga*, Shieldshears (*night only)
Formouth Garrison 45 Leide Battery Soldier, Imperial Sniper, Imperial Trooper, Magitek Assassin, MA Hoplomachus, MA Veles-bis, MA-X Cuirass, MA-X Dux
Greyshire Glacial Grotto 19 Cleigne Arachne, Mindflayer, Ronin
Keycatrich Trench 12 Leide Arachne (summon Tarantulas), Goblin
Malmalam Thicket 38 Cleigne Bandersnatch, Mandrake, Shieldshears, Soldier Wasp
The Myrlwood 35 Cleigne Mandrake, Mushussu, Treant
Pitioss Ruins 45 Cleigne None
The Rock of Ravatogh 30 Cleigne Killer Wasp, Saphyrtail, Spiracorn, Thunderoc, Wyvern
Steyliff Grove 32 Cleigne Crème Brûlée, Iron Giant, Lich, Quetzalcoatl, Reaper, Skeleton

End-Game Dungeons[]

Upon completing the main story line, the player can obtain the Dungeon Seal Key from Ezma at Meldacio Hunter HQ. With this key, the player can now open the mysterious locked doors hidden in each of the Lucian dungeons. These are known as the "Menace Dungeons" due to the quest line - Menace Beneath Lucis - that is acquired upon accepting the key. The quest and the key can only be obtained upon completion of the final story mission.

Name Rec. Level Location Inhabitants
Balouve Mines

(Lower Levels)

78 Leide
Costlemark Tower

(Lower Levels)

99 Duscae
Crestholm Channels

(Lower Levels)

92 Leide
Daurell Caverns

(Lower Levels)

72 Duscae
Fociaugh Hollow

(Lower Levels)

65 Duscae
Greyshire Glacial Grotto

(Lower Levels)

65 Cleigne
Keycatrich Trench

(Lower Levels)

55 Leide
Steyliff Grove

(Lower Levels)

86 Cleigne Custard, Dolce, Griffon, Havokfang, Imp, Killerwasp, Kingatrice, Matcha Mousse, Master Tonberry, Mictlantecihuatl (final boss), Mindflayer, Psychomancer (summon Skeletons), Regaltrice, Ronin, Royalisk, Tonberry, Wyvern