Final Fantasy XV Wiki

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Final Fantasy XV Wiki
Delta Daggers
Short but deadly blades, designed to inflict gaping wounds, depriving foes of their defense.
Type: Weapon - Dagger
Attack: Attack + 153
MP Boost: + 6
Magic: Magic + 15

Delta Daggers is a dagger. They have a 10% chance of inflicting the Compromised status onto targets when wielded by Noctis or Ignis.


Delta Daggers can be purchased from arms vendors in Altissia, Cartanica, Tenebrae, and Gralea for 5,000 gil. They can also be found as a collectable at the treasure spot outside the Rock of Ravatogh and in the Malmalam Thicket dungeons. They can be sold back to shops for 2,500 gil.
