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Final Fantasy XV Wiki
Final Fantasy XV Wiki

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Characters that appear in Final Fantasy XV and its adjacent media (i.e. its DLC).

For a list of the Astrals, see Astrals.


Included here are named characters that appear in Kingsglaive and Final Fantasy XV - Dawn of the Future -. Information listed here will be limited to avoid extraneous spoilers (an individual character's story can be learned from their character page).

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Kingdom of Lucis[]

Lucis is the main explorable continent in FFXV. While the entire region was once ruled by the Lucis Caelum royal line, it has, with the exception of the Crown City, since been conquered and annexed by the Empire of Niflheim.

For a list of the known Kings of Lucis, see Kings of Lucis.

Main Cast[]


Characters who hail from Lucis' capital city of Insomnia (some appear for the first time in FFXV outside of Insomnia).

  • Regis Lucis Caelum: King of Lucis, father of Noctis.
  • Aulea Lucis Caelum (née unknown): Late Queen of Lucis, mother of Noctis.
  • Clarus Amicitia: King Regis' Shield and friend, father of Gladiolus and Iris.
  • Cor Leonis: Head of the Lucian Crownsguard, friend of King Regis.
  • Iris Amicitia: Gladiolus' sister, friend of Noctis.
  • Jared Hester: Retainer for House Amicitia.
  • Talcott Hester: Grandson of Jared.
  • Monica Elshett: Crownsguard officer.
  • Dustin Ackers: Crownsguard officer.


Leide is the easternmost region of Lucis. Characters listed here can be initially found in this region (some quest-givers move).


Duscae is the middle region of Lucis.


Cleigne is the westernmost region of Lucis.

  • Vyv Dorden: Photographer and president of Meteor Publishing.
  • Holly Teulle: Engineer and technician at EXINERIS.
  • Kimya Auburnbrie: Witch of Myrlwood, sister of Ezma.
  • Ezma Auburnbrie: Head of the Hunters, mother of Dave.
  • Randolph: Master weaponsmith.
  • Tony: Restaurateur.


Altissia is the capital of Accordo, and it is currently a Niflheim territory.

  • Camelia Claustra: First secretary of Accordo.
  • Weskham Armaugh: Owner of Maagho, friend of King Regis.


Tenebrae is a Niflheim province and the homeland of the Fleuret family.

  • Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: Oracle, Noctis' fiancée.
  • Gentiana: High Messenger, companion of Lunafreya.
  • Ravus Nox Fleuret: Deputy High Commander of the Imperial Army, Lunafreya's brother.
  • Umbra and Pryna: Messengers, companions of Lunafreya.
  • Maria: Retainer for House Fleuret.


Niflheim is an empire that occupies the western continent of Eos.

  • Iedolas Aldercapt: Emperor of Niflheim.
  • Ardyn Izunia: Chancellor of Niflheim.
  • Aranea Highwind: Airborne commodore, former mercenary.
  • Verstael Besithia: Chief of Magitek Research.
  • Loqi Tummelt: Brigadier general and commander in the Imperial Army, pilots the MA-X Cuirass.
  • Caligo Ulldor: Brigadier general and commander in the Imperial Army, pilots the MA-X Aureus.
  • Biggs Callux and Wedge Kincaid: Officers of the Imperial Airborne Division, friends of Aranea.


Characters that either do not fit easily into one of the above categories or who do not appear in the game.

  • Aera Mirus Fleuret: The first Oracle.
  • Gilgamesh: First Shield of the King, now presides over the Tempering Grounds.
  • Melba Aurum: Cindy's mother and Cid's daughter-in-law, killed by daemons when Cindy was young.
  • Mid Sophiar: Cindy's father and Cid's son, killed by daemons when Cindy was young.
  • Solara Antiquum: Features in - Dawn of the Future -.
  • Somnus Lucis Caelum: The founder king of Lucis.


Characters who appear in the Kingsglaive movie.

For a list of the glaives that appear in Comrades, see Multiplayer Expansion: Comrades.

  • Nyx Ulric: Glaive, friend of Libertus and Crowe.
  • Crowe Altius: Glaive who functions as a black mage, friend of Nyx and Libertus.
  • Libertus Ostium: Glaive, friend of Crowe and Nyx.
  • Titus Drautos: Captain of the Kingsglaive.
  • Pelna Khara: Glaive, friend of Nyx.
  • General Glauca: Commander of the Imperial magitek infantry.
  • Luche Lazarus: Glaive.
  • Petra Fortis: Lucian guard.
  • Tredd Furia: Glaive, considered top of his class.
  • Sonitus Bellum: Glaive and weapons specialist.
  • Axis Arra: Glaive, close colleague of Tredd and Sonitus.