Final Fantasy XV Wiki

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Final Fantasy XV Wiki

The following is a list of achievements and trophies available in Final Fantasy XV. The tables are not listed in release order, but rather by content type; the game's standard achievements come first, followed by those from a content update and the Royal Pack, which directly affects the base game. The more isolated DLCs follow suit.

Base Game[]

Name Grade Gamerscore Description
The World Wanderer Platinum N/A Collected all trophies. (PS4)
Insomnia's Waking Nightmare (Secret) Bronze 10 Completed the prologue.
Departure (Secret) Bronze 10 Completed Chapter 1.
No Turning Back (Secret) Bronze 10 Completed Chapter 2.
The Open World (Secret) Bronze 10 Completed Chapter 3.
Living Legend (Secret) Bronze 10 Completed Chapter 4.
Dark Clouds (Secret) Bronze 10 Completed Chapter 5.
A Way Forward (Secret) Bronze 10 Completed Chapter 6.
Party of Three (Secret) Bronze 10 Completed Chapter 7.
Seaworthy (Secret) Bronze 10 Completed Chapter 8.
Callings (Secret) Bronze 10 Completed Chapter 9.
The Heart of a King (Secret) Bronze 10 Completed Chapter 10.
In the Dark (Secret) Bronze 10 Completed Chapter 11.
End of Days (Secret) Bronze 10 Completed Chapter 12.
Redemption (Secret) Bronze 10 Completed Chapter 13.
Homecoming (Secret) Silver 50 Completed Chapter 14.
Chosen King (Secret) Gold 110 Defeated Ifrit on Normal difficulty.
Learner's Permit Bronze 10 Drove the Regalia.
Chocobo Jockey Bronze 10 Rode a Chocobo.
Regalia Pilot (Secret) Silver 50 Flew the Regalia Type-F.
Quadruple Threat Bronze 10 Equipped four weapon slots.
Faithful Heir (Secret) Silver 50 Collected thirteen royal arms.
New Power Bronze 10 Learned first ability.
Self-Improved Silver 50 Activated 20 ability nodes.
Self-Mastered Gold 110 Activated 50 ability nodes.
Angling Rookie Bronze 10 Improved fishing level for the first time.
Survival Rookie Bronze 10 Improved survival level for the first time.
Photo Rookie Bronze 10 Improved photography level for the first time.
Cooking Rookie Bronze 10 Improved cooking level for the first time.
Angling Expert Bronze 10 Reached maximum fishing level.
Survival Expert Bronze 10 Reached maximum survival level.
Photo Expert Bronze 10 Reached maximum photography level.
Cooking Expert Bronze 10 Reached maximum cooking level.
Just Hangin' Around Bronze 10 Performed first point-warp suspension.
Brother-in-Arms Bronze 10 Issued first ally command.
Blind Spot Bronze 10 Performed first blindside link.
Noct You Like a Hurricane Bronze 10 Initiated first link-strike after parrying an attack.
The Power of Kings Bronze 10 Called forth the Armiger for the first time.
Magical Worker Bronze 10 Crafted a spell for the first time.
Black Mage Bronze 10 Used magic for the first time.
Divine Intervention Bronze 10 Summoned one of the Six for the first time.
High Five for Justice! Bronze 10 Played JUSTICE MONSTERS FIVE for the first time.
Immortal Photobomb (Secret) Bronze 10 Caught an image of Gentiana in a photo.
Spinning a Yarn I Bronze 10 Completed first sidequest.
Spinning a Yarn II Bronze 10 Completed 5 sidequests.
Spinning a Yarn III Bronze 10 Completed 10 sidequests.
Spinning a Yarn IV Bronze 10 Completed 20 sidequests.
Spinning a Yarn V Bronze 10 Completed 40 sidequests.
Weaving a Tapestry Silver 50 Completed 80 sidequests.
My First Hunt Bronze 10 Completed first hunt.
Tortoise Toppler (Secret) Gold 110 Defeated the adamantoise.

Content Update 1.13[]

Name Grade Gamerscore Description
Seize the Moment Bronze 10 Performed 10 full-hit cross chains.
Love Turned Tragic (Secret) Bronze 10 Defeat Melusine.

Royal Pack[]

Name Grade Gamerscore Description
Maiden Voyage (Secret) Bronze 10 Captained the Royal Vessel.
Narwhal Watching (Secret) Bronze 10 Encountered Bismarck.
Pursuit of Knowledge Bronze 10 Filled 80% of the Datalog.
Speed Daemon Bronze 10 Posted excellent times in all cross-country test drives.
The Power Within (Secret) Silver 50 Awakened to the True Power of Kings.
Tri-Headed Triumph (Secret) Bronze 10 Defeated Cerberus.
Through the Dimensional Rift (Secret) Gold 110 Defeated Omega.

Episode Gladiolus[]

Name Grade Gamerscore Description
Picker-Upper Bronze 10 Picked up all items.
Column Colossus Bronze 10 Uprooted all columns.
Master and Pupil Bronze 10 Performed 5 link-strikes with Cor.
Shield of the Chosen King Bronze 10 Complete the trials on Normal.
Transcendence (Secret) Silver 50 Defeated Cor.
No Pain, No Gain Bronze 10 Scored 500,000 or more points in Score Attack.
A New Blademaster Gold 110 Scored 1,000,000 or more points in Score Attack.

Episode Prompto[]

Name Grade Gamerscore Description
Unseen Assassin Bronze 10 Stealth-killed 3 enemies.
Sharp Shooting Bronze 10 Took down 30 enemies with crackshots.
Field Photographer Bronze 10 Took 10 photos mid-battle using Selfie Shot.
Unbreakable Bonds Bronze 10 Completed Episode Prompto on Normal.
An Emperor Deposed Silver 50 Defeated the kaiser behemoth.
The Dragoonslayer (Secret) Bronze 10 Completed Aranea's intensive training.
Dogged Rider Gold 110 Earned the top ranking on all three Time Trial courses.

Episode Ignis[]

Name Grade Gamerscore Description
Hidden Power Bronze 10 Took down 10 enemies using the spelldaggers.
Swift Retaliation Bronze 10 Took down 10 enemies with counterstrikes.
Master of the Elements Bronze 10 Took down 100 enemies using Total Clarity.
A Noble Sacrifice (Secret) Bronze 10 Completed Episode Ignis on Normal.
Altissian Ambassador Silver 50 Collected all documents.
Another Path (Secret) Bronze 10 Defeated Ardyn in Chapter 3, Verse 2.
A New Protagonist (Secret) Gold 110 Earned the top ranking in the Friendly Match.

Episode Ardyn[]

Name Grade Gamerscore Description
Fallen Savior Bronze 10 Inflicted Royal Retibution 10 times.
The Pyreburner's Keeper Bronze 10 Used Ifrit's techniques 10 times.
King of the Daemons Bronze 10 Daemonified 100 enemies.
The Nightmare Ends Bronze 10 Completed Episode Ardyn on Normal.
Mastering the Darkness Silver 50 Unlocked all of Ardyn's abilities.
Insomnia Insurgence Bronze 10 Took over all sectors of Insomia.
Return of the Founder King Gold 110 Earned the top ranking in Episode Ardyn.


Name Grade Gamerscore Description
Beacon of Hope Bronze 10 Powered up all facilities in Lestallum.
Kingly Blessing Bronze 10 Received a Royal Sigil.
One with Your Blade Bronze 10 Crafted a weapon of Level 30 or higher.
Come Back, Kenny! Bronze 10 Met the owner of the Crow's Nest Diner.
Royal Retinue Rumble (Secret) Bronze 10 Bested the Chosen King's companions.
Cleaving a Path (Secret) Silver 50 Witnessed the awakening of King Noctis.
Let There Be Light (Secret) Gold 110 Amassed an output 999,999kW.

Comrades Update[]

Name Grade Gamerscore Description
Blessed by All Bronze 10 Collected all the Royal Sigils.
Chocobreeder Bronze 10 Raised a Chocobo to Level 99.
Beacons of Hope Bronze 10 Completed the Comrades quest with all four characters.