Final Fantasy XV Wiki

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Final Fantasy XV Wiki
A Stone-Studded Stunner
A Stone-Studded Stunner
Rec. Level: 15
Location: Duscae
Client: Dino
EXP: 1,000
Reward: Heliodor Bracelet x1
Previous: The Aspiring Artisan
Next: Reliable Royalty

A Stone-Studded Stunner is a sidequest.


Dino again seeks Noctis's assistance in acquiring raw stones for use in a new piece. The prince agrees to help the aspiring jeweler by locating the ore he needs.


  • Head to the specified area.
  • Obtain three heliodor stones.
  • Deliver the three stones to Dino.


Approaching Dino for the quest:
Dino - You really know how to sniff out a scoop, Your Highness. You, uh, might just have a future in journalism.
Noctis - Well at least that makes one of us.
Dino - Touché! So look, I need a hand. Thing is, it's too dangerous for your average joe. That's where you come in. I'll make it worth your while!

Incidental dialogue following:
Prompto - Here we go again.
Ignis - Given our run-ins with him thus far, I doubt this excursion will go unrewarded.
Noctis - Yeah, but we're still running his errands.
Gladiolus - Says the guy who agreed to run 'em.

Reaching the specified area:
Prompto - Let the gem hunt begin!
Gladiolus - You'll be hunting a long time. Only raw stones around here.

Finding the first ore spot:
Noctis - Bingo. Found one.
Prompto - Aww, this is it? Man, ore's a real bore. Hopefully the next one looks cooler.

Finding the second ore spot:
Noctis - Alright. Just one more stone to go.

Upon finding the final ore spot, one of two dialogues will play:
Noctis - Looks good enough. This should do it.
Ignis - Certainly didn't expect stone hunting to be this harrowing.
Noctis - One, two, three. That'll do it. Now let's head back.

Returning to Dino:
Dino - Hey, fellas. Geez, that went quicker than I expected. Bet those daemons were no match for you, huh, Ince-pray?
Noctis - They put up a pretty good fight.
Dino - Well, you're alive, promised! That baby right there's unlike anything you've seen before. Drop by again sometime and let me know what you think!

